No I'm not talking about Martin Short, Steve Martin and Chevy Chase, this is much better. SCXY 1363 is finally ready for service on the Skally Line. It joined its partners SCXY 1352 and ILSX 1345 in Rush City.
SCXY 1363 started life as an Atlas GP9, I chopped the short hood and front battery boxes, replaced the cab, added a MbE winter hatch, firecracker antenna and bell. BLMA parts up the wazoo.While it's not complete yet, it is pretty close. I used GMM stanchions and louvers and .010" wire for the handrails. I also added a custom styrene electrical cabinet. The decals were custom made. Both plows are Atlas. I'm not done completely yet, I still need to add the All Weather Window on the engineers side, but I couldn't keep it out of service for that...
Nice job Karl.