I line up projects so I can spray a lot of the same color at the same time. I knocked out some BN projects for a friend’s layout and one just to see if it could be done.
BN 631020 was the first done. BN had two of these 8 axle flats, so I figured it would fit in well in Havre Yard.
While looking through Havre pics, I found a shot of this signal maintainers truck. It was pretty easy to make using Showcase Miniatures parts and a scratch built box.
The next truck I found brand new in a hobby shop in California for $1.50. I weathered it and added some details.
Lastly was the snow dozer. This was a Baldylox kit that heavily upgraded with brass details. I added grab irons, chains, and the front window guards. I painted and lightly weathered it. I think I’ll do a couple more in other paint schemes.