Monday, March 17, 2025

BN Projects

I line up projects so I can spray a lot of the same color at the same time. I knocked out some BN projects for a friend’s layout and one just to see if it could be done. 

BN 631020 was the first done. BN had two of these 8 axle flats, so I figured it would fit in well in Havre Yard.

While looking through Havre pics, I found a shot of this signal maintainers truck. It was pretty easy to make using Showcase Miniatures parts and a scratch built box.

The next truck I found brand new in a hobby shop in California for $1.50. I weathered it and added some details. 

Lastly was the snow dozer. This was a Baldylox kit that heavily upgraded with brass details. I added grab irons, chains, and the front window guards. I painted and lightly weathered it. I think I’ll do a couple more in other paint schemes.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

WC/SOO Boxcars

On the White Pine Sub old SOO 40’ boxcars were repurposed to be braking cars to help assist some of the heavier trains on the steep grades. I built 4 to incorporate into ops on the layout. I started with MicroTrains cars, removed the roof walks, patches those holes, swapped doors, painted, decaled, and weathered them to match prototype photos I found. It took a mix of K4 and MicroScale decals. Matching the prototype font mix was fun!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Modutrak at TrainFest

I had a fun run to Milwaukee to hang out with my Modutrak friends. I came in straight from San Diego, so I was lent a variety of trains to run.

Jordan at Rapido Trains lent me their Turbo Liner. What a dream! It ran flawlessly for hours and looked beautiful doing it!

Mike Skibbe lent me a monster freight, the 4 IM F-Units pulled it no problem. It is nice having broad curves to glide around. At a reasonable speed this train took an hour to navigate the layout. Here you can see it passing between the CNW and MILW tunnels at Tunnel City, WI. I built these modules before the St. Louis RPM and drove them 2300 miles for the show!

I also got to run some Southern Alberta Rail units. These are Grant Eastman creations owned by Mike.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

BC Rail Cars

I have been wanting to increase the volume of BC Rail cars in White Pine. I added a mix of brands this week to bulk up the fleet. These cars hauled copper anodes from the Flin Flon mine in Manitoba to the White Pine Refinery for refining into copper cathodes. I made sure the cars all had metal wheels, were weighted correctly, and were weathered before they hit the layout.

The Kaslo kits I built and painted:

PWRS WC car… this was an absolute mess from the factory. Underweight, and it had fingerprints in the factory paint… I’m still waiting for PWRS to fix this.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

More MOW

Okay… I got on a bit of a kick. I ended up building not one, but two N Scale tie gangs. One will stay with me, and the other will head to a beautiful Afton Canyon layout.

Some pics of my progress:

Tie Cranes

Spike Pullers
OTM Retriever
TR1 Tie Inserter
Ballast Regulator

Monday, December 25, 2023

PNW Railfanning - Kalama

Living in Washington state has provided me some great railfanning opportunities. I figured a should share some with all of you!

Here are some shots from Kalama, WA. It has two massive ship loading grain elevators, a steel mill, and an NP steam engine on display. I have seen as many as 8 unit grain trains here at once, plus some great mainline action.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

MOW Unit

I’ve been starting work on a Maintenance of Way gang. Besides being visually interesting, I can put them to work and take certain tracks out of service for tie replacement or ballast work.